Saturday, July 25, 2009

3 Powerful ways to Build Confdence

Everyone wants to be confident. Everyone want to walk down to street and approach people with such a demeanor that will cause the earth to shake. But some people can't even muster up the confidence to ask for a raise. Why is this? Well it's deeper than just the 2nd grade girl who didn't give you a valentine card or being turned down from the popular guy, for asking him to the prom. It stems from being continuously shown and told that you aren't brave enough, courageous enough or have the balls to do certain things. It could of been the pressure or the lack of desire to achieve our objective. So if you want to become confident here is a 3 quick tips

1. Action
You can only gain confidence by taking action. You have to take action, walk and talk like a person of confidence, even if you don't have the characteristics as yet. The more you act like something your not initially, the more you become it.

" Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve"
- Napoleon Hill

So start to talking to random people where ever you go. Don't worry about what your going to say, just do it. Talk about the horrible weather, the bad economy or even ask someone for the time. Just start with little ice breakers , which will inevitably lead to strong friendships and even strong relationships. So lesson number 1 Action!

2. Think Before You Act
Before you go out, talking to random people and making a bunch of friends. You must first see yourself in your mind as a person who is confident and in control. Here is the key. Everyone on this planet acts in accordance with their self concept. So since this is true and in order for us to become better than, we are currently. We must raise our self concept. Now how do we do this? well it's simple. Close your eyes, relax and see your self in your ideal situation as calm and confident. Do this as much times as possible in a day. Once you step out of the door and start introducing yourself to people. You will act just like the confident image you displayed across your mind.

3. Belief
Believe that you can achieve this goal of having confidence is essential part to success. You have to start believing that you can be confident. Realize that if anyone on this planet can obtain confidence , so can you. Everyone is the same on the inside. Everyone is burning for more self esteem and a feeling to be liked. So, one way to shatter your old belief and start believing that you can be confident is to question why you aren't confident. Talk to yourself and interrogate your mind and find out why aren't you confident. Once you start to question a belief , you slowly but surely start disbelieving what you once that was true. Belief creates the realization for each and everyone of us. We act in relation to our belief. Once you change what you believe you act different. Start believing your confident, and you will start acting confident. Belief allow you to understand how to think positive.

I want to leave this post with several quotes that will urge you to, start acting with confidence and assurance.

"The greatest barrer to success is the fear of failure"
- Sven Ericksson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

-Nelson Mandela

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

- Unknown

Have You Built Confidence?
How have you taken step to becoming more confidence?
Is you progression were you would like it to be?

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